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Can not resist and also your Piglet in recipes get in touch the Chicken out of my oven

Can not resist and also your Piglet in recipes get in touch the Chicken out of my oven Today sentry for lazy people! If one is hungry, but too lazy to cook, we will improvise. I use no conventional oven, and mikrovolnovku. A very convenient thing, soup to warm up that chicken to Sarit, either way can be used. I usually just on a plate inserted, then petruso cheese in the microwave. Turns out sometimes unique, sometimes great, but not when there was such, that there was not:) I like that even cakes and cupcakes in mikrovolnovke baked, turned out not too bad! This time we will be testing microwave on chicken carcass, we need the chicken the size of this, so that could easily fit in the microwave. If not, then you need to divide chicken into serving pieces and already frying. I usually peel and stuff cut off the cat, or the broth boil, and all that meat and leave begin to conjure! It is important here more spices and more fragrances. It is normal and pepper and pripravka and adzhika, even use sea salt to vitamins and minerals in the hen is not diminished but increased after cooking. Put the chicken on a dish and pour either tomato juice or mayonnaise or cream. So she cordobesas broken a couple of hours. Then continue on targanice dish. I am usually in the evening that something zamarano in the fridge put, and then come to work, and then immediately begin to cook. The secret is simple, got the chicken in the oven. I use a ceramic bowl, shes somehow more pleasant to the touch, and glass like that dumb to use, and can crack. In the microwave fried chicken leg 22 minutes, timed precisely. Parallel make croutons and everything here and the dish is ready, cut a couple of tomatoes and a cucumber and chicken with croutons, just super! Here is a who is for dinner bummer! Record is made 2015-04-01

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Can not resist and also your Piglet in recipes get in touch the Chicken out of my oven

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