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Want You to tell about interesting instrument KFS.

Want You to tell about interesting instrument KFS. Want You to tell about interesting instrument KFS. This instrument MADE MAN, who person searched for the possibility to prolong the active life of the person. Not secret that while young then about health are not conceived, but already when you years so 40 and more that already begins to wash, about that that life power of the organism not at all boundless and their it is necessary to stimulate and consolidate in youth and is as far as possible spared to spend in old age. Else years ten back went such anecdote: will Pass the years 100 and on the land will all so загажено that all alive вымрет or will live in flask, but person изобретет tablet and will once be at day her(its) use and live hereon long and happily in such severe for defenseless organism condition . But passed whole that 10 years, but like device VWVget along appeared. This certainly not tablet and acts not on that principle, but this exactly that it is necessary for protection of the organism from stress and influence not favourable surrounding conditions on human organism. The Whole process of the reconstruction and treatments is motivated on fact that person consists of water on 80%, and from that what water we пьем, depends on direct and our condition. As a rule, we use water from tap or boiled. From tap by enriched chlorine and not seldom contains bad микрофлору, which in addition подгружает the иммунную system of the organism. But if boil water, that this already destroying water, yes and taste beside it not quite good. In recently become on dwelling region to carry cleaned water and sell on bottling. Water in principle good, but I not дам 100% warranties that she not such bad, either as that that flows from tap. Her(its) have softened and give primary clear and the whole-that. I, certainly, pius and that and another, but recently became to drink beforehand frozen and afterwards defrosting water (melting water). Unfreeze follows gradually and then in sediment falls out so much rubbishes that I попервам was in shock simply. There is one more way KFS this plates, which allow to do you in sufficient amount outline water. KFS Kolicova структурирует water, does her(its) adviseable. Go outline KFS water, and with each gulp absorb the energy of the Land, return to active and full-fledged life. Record is made 2010-03-06

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Want You to tell about interesting instrument KFS.

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