Bavariya excellent city in plan hospitality!
Since each year all more simply and more simply inhabitant of the Ukraine to visit other state. The new suitable transport routes appear Since each year. The new airways are Opened. New new сревисы for udobstva. Now ukrainian with lightness fly and in Berlin and Munich. 21 flights at week from Borispolya it is enough much that without problems to realize the trip in Germaniyu. Ticket in Germany possible book simply not coming out of building.
The Time to get accustomed to European service. Why to example instead of trip in Egypt with his(its) finished driver, not to go to Germany on holiday beer. Annually Bovariya on how much I know conducts the holiday a beer. This daydream beside me such... But as not strange in lifes happens simply so... First, the daydream appears, but afterwards and deal are realized;) Ladneniko! We Continue to dream of Germany. If to example to choose from Munich, Berlin or Frankfurt I left certainly in Munich. If search for in network information on resort of the Germany or about any service for tourist, exactly Munich will be on the first place. He simply tourist mecca to Germany. Exactly стольный city to provinces Bavariya and that place where follows to drink the beer. CHastye festivals beer which conduct in Bvarii become last years hereby grow for amateurs beer from Ukraine. Not secret that ukrainian beer this not beer, but miserable resemblance of the urine of the burro Ia! that does not subject to nor what doubt! Here is and happens to the amateur beer from Ukraine and Russia to fly on output in Prague or Myunhen! I am in Munich enough often, times three for year is got on output to fly down and have a drink the beer with viennese колбасками. I as that has noticed such thing... Being in Munich in the next once I have caughted itself on thoughts that I for two days drink nearly 50 litres beer and not pain and does not опухаю as from home sort Oboloni .
I should like to hear in coments, as beside you deal is with beer? I have in view of as it goes you? How much ukrainian beers you may drink not lose komfort? shall Continue... Last I was in Munich at past month and saw beer in brewery near by central ратушной by area. Is identified the givenned brewery HOFBRAUEHAUS. You ask as I have remembered the name? I have simply dragged itself on memory glass holder:) А on him is written and the address and name to breweries. The Brewery was situated in medieval premises. Calling at in such building beside you roof get out. Around oak small benches and tables and around пьют the beer. I think in given beer fit all amateurs a beer our Hacapetovki. In that moment when I was there, visitors was possible pair, but can and more thousands. As I subtracted on wall then in this cafe drink the beer already on length more then 450 years. I was surprised variety of the public in this enormous пабе. Two norwegians sat For one table, three slovaks, one ukrainian, two japaneses, and seven chines. We drank once fill and sang the canto why that on german, which in general did not know nor who;) Song was identified Das Karnovali! having Drunk once fill beer at night, we whole following day before most evening walked on art gallery. The Name beside it what that прикольное: Aging Pinakoteka , ouch! what only there I have not seen, probably no such artist, sneeze linen there in general no... Apropos if you love to ski or in plastic washtub, that best place in Germany as resort Alps or SHvarcvalid in the whole Germany not to find. But here they near by Munich nearly, hour less on machine and you in mountain and ride in plastic washtub if certainly beer has drunk much and stand up and about can not. Shall Next time tell you about trip in city Berlin.
Record is made 2010-11-22
Bavariya excellent city in plan hospitality!
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